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Strain Number:UAMH 8598
Species Name: Scedosporium apiospermum
Synonyms: Acremonium suis / Actinomyces albus / Actinomyces tarozzii / Aleurisma apiospermum / Dendrostilbella boydii / Glenospora clapieri / Glenosporopsis clapieri / Indiella americana / Madurella americana / Madurella clapieri / Monosporium apiospermum / Monosporium apiospermum var. peperei / Monosporium sclerotiale / Polycytella hominis / Scedosporium sclerotiale / Streptothrix tarozzii / Trichosporum clapieri
Taxonomy: FUNGI Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Microascales, Microascaceae
Strain History: J.E. Zajic -> ATCC 58400 -> UAMH
Substrate: [This strain has been cited in a US or other patent and should not be used to infringe patent claims] raw sewage
Location: CANADA Ontario, London (GEO: 42.985,-81.245)
Isolator: J.E. Zajic
Isolation Date: 1969
Date Received: 1996-07-29
Characters: APPLICATION growth on natural gas - Zajic et al. 1969. CJM 15: 1231-1236. // APPLICATION production of single-cell protein from gaseous hydrocarbons - US Pat. 4,028,182 // BENOMYL resistant (2 ppm) // BIODETERIOGEN/ BIODEGRADATION degradation of hydrocarbons in crude oil - April et al., Can. J. Microbiol. 44:270-278, 1998 // CULTURE CONDITIONS produced Scedosporium and Graphium states // SYSTEMATICS/ TAXONOMY morphologic & molecular comparison of isolates from oil-soaked soils or sewage - April et al., Can. J. Microbiol. 44:270-278, 1998
Cross Reference: ATCC 58400 // CBS 116421 // NRRL 3915 // QM 9375 // UWO 27
Pathogenic Potential: Human: yes | Animal: yes | Plant: no
Biosafety Risk Group: RG2 (check the PHAC ePATHogen Risk Group Database for updates)
Regulatory Requirements: Canadian requesters must provide PHAC Pathogen and Toxin License Number (see: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/licensing-program.html) prior to shipment. International requesters must provide all legally required importation documentation prior to shipment. Plant pathogenicity status may be verified by using the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Fungal Database
MycoBank ID: 432048


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